Bringing citizens, business leaders,
and government
officials together
in the spirit
of collaboration
The Assembly of Economy of Uzbekistan is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, and the first of its kind to be established in Uzbekistan. Our founding, on 10th February 2021, by Resolution №970 of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, marks an important milestone in the country's push toward a thriving, dynamic, and innovative private sector.

Since inception, the Assembly of Economy of Uzbekistan has brought together over 30 members ranging from small businesses to leading industry associations across the country as well as, emerging and fast-growing industries that are shaping the future. We are committed to helping businesses of all sizes, and driving economic growth in Uzbekistan forth.

As a trusted advocate, partner, and network for all the people we represent, we have advocated for policies that help businesses grow and create jobs in Uzbekistan. Fueled by a history of success, we aid businesses by providing timely policy analysis and legal counsel, connecting them with business and government officials through events and private gatherings, and above all, serving as their ally and champion in the courts and global markets.

Through active legislative reforms initiatives, we facilitate investment attraction and protection in various sectors that are of interest to our members. As the country robustly changes following the introduction of large-scale economic and social reforms, we embrace these changes and pave the way for the Uzbek nation to become aware of the opportunities that the "New Uzbekistan" offers. We believe in the ability
of Uzbek businesses to improve lives, solve societal problems, and as a whole benefit our society.

Our vision entails building a better future for everyone. The Assembly of Economy
of Uzbekistan is committed to building the strongest possible relationships among the Uzbek people, business leaders, the government, and countries around the globe. Thus, empowering businesses to play a pivotal role in building a healthy democracy and shaping bold and effective policies that matter most to our members. Most importantly, enabling businesses to create jobs and an economy that provides every Uzbek citizen a chance to pursue their dreams.

Communication with the government agencies such
as the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, along with the ministries to bring forth the proposals and occuring problems of associations and entrepreneurs to the highest authorities.
Partnering with member associations of the Assembly we establish contacts with kindred organizations abroad. These connections serve as conduits, facilitating the exchange of business delegations between us and our overseas counterparts. Our ultimate aim is to cultivate productive and mutually beneficial partnerships between our entrepreneurs and those from overseas. By joining forces, we open up new possibilities for growth, innovation, and global collaboration.
The Assembly of Economy serves as a unifying force by bringing together over 35 distinct associations, forging a path towards a harmonious collaboration that is mutually enriching. This confluence of industry experts paves the way for an unparalleled level of communication and productive partnerships, resulting in an expansive network of like-minded individuals who share a common drive towards success.
We're committed to fostering partnerships between public and private sectors to support entrepreneurs. Our innovative initiatives and economic, legal, and entrepreneurial expertise empower every entrepreneur.
local business
Public private
+998 91 774 14 16
1/1, Furkat street, Tashkent,
Republic of Uzbekistan

Office Hours:
Mon.– Sat. — 9:00–18:00